Thursday, September 3, 2009

Audrey Tautou: 10 Films

Amelie aka Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
I knew I'd like this film when I first heard of it, even before I watched it. And boy, did I have to wait a long long time before I could watch it.
This whimisical film regularly gets on many best-of film lists and is usually the only one among the other top films to feature a female lead - ie. the rose among the thorns. So Amelie is like a breath of fresh air among the heavily male-&-Hollywood-dominated film industry.

A la folie... pas du tout - He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Amelie's - oops, I mean Audrey's next film. After watching Amelie, you'll definitely want to watch Audrey Tautou in other films.

L'auberge espagnole (The Spanish Apartment)
Ah, a multi-national romantic comedy...
I just watched Romain Duris in De battre mon coeur s'est arrete (The beat that my heart skipped). I haven't watched the sequel to The Spanish Apartment though.

Dirty Pretty Things
Audrey speaks English - after all the film is set in London.
She's acting as an illegal immigrant from Turkey.
Watched it alone in a dirty cinema on Beach Road 1 month after returning from London.

Pas sur la bouche aka Not On The Lips
A period musical - Amelie Audrey sings!
1st time I watched an Audrey Tautou film with another person (Carolyn, at Alliance Francaise)

Un long dimanche de fiancailles - A Very Long Engagement
Jodie Foster speaks French!
Watched this on DVD.

The Da Vinci Code
I read the book before watching the films so there was no way I could imagine Audrey Tautou as Sophie Neveu cos Sophie is a redhead.
Another Audrey Tautou film I watched at cinema with Carolyn (and husband)

Hors de prix - Priceless
Set in The French Riveria - Nice & Monte Carlo, so the location looks gorgeous. Ditto for the various outfits Audrey wears in the film.
Watched this with Arlina & Chunyu - but we didn't sit together cos there weren't 3 seats together available before the 1st 2 rows.

Ensemble, c'est tout (Hunting & Gathering)
Can't seem to see the connection between the original French title and the English title.
The French title is certainly more appropriate as the film really does consist of a ensemble of characters. Besides the leading couple (Audrey Tautou's Camille and the dishy Guillaume Canet - Marion Cotillard is so lucky!), the male lead's grandmother and his flatmate also play important roles in the film.

Coco Avant Chanel
Watched this last night by myself (SFS members' screening).
Just so that I could notch up 10 films starring Audrey Tautou :)

1 comment:

HDB TyeTye said...

I must catch up on films ! there are so many u mentioned which I've missed... being mommy kinda killed a lot of things for me :-(